Updated June 2020 .
This was a M.L.M. (multi level marketing) product – you could only buy from a distributor. They change this – so now you buy direct supposedly costing less. I am converting this site to a user friendly one. YOU need to know all the effort that has gone into discovering why this is so needed. to where answers are to be found – safely and fast.
This website is dedicated to helping you detox in a safe and natural way – a detox for the body and for life.
What to do?
Please watch – and then get how to undo – the liquid activated zeolites
You can’t make Glutathione (that clears these toxins) when mercury is within as the magnesium and the selenium is not bio available .. Join those who want to (usually in desperation at the end of their tethers and when all else has failed, as you may currently feel) find out how to rid their bodies of what is stopping good health.
This is the best way I know of that will assist any health challenge. It may be for any reason – or no specific illness – you just want to feel on top of your game again.
Whatever you feel you need, part of what you do not need is a legacy of all the pesticides, chemicals and heavy metals that your body has not known what to do with – hence storing them within you for later. Perhaps start right here in your journey in understanding what to do to help yourself.
Look to the chronic mercury toxicity and/or the aluminium page – or maybe you, like me – have been vaccine damaged – and so have all my children – see Kathryn’s story here – if YOU have an ASD or ADHD issue – look no further. The beginning of my research was what to do with my own massively brain injured daughter?
Along the way I vaccinated her UNTIL – it took a dire path – MMR and Kathryn did not go well together.
How are we get rid of the adjuvants??
Hope for the best still?
How to undo this? Only partially – as with all of us – we need to clear out what is blocking magnesium – a massive ingredient of Glutathione.
What is blocking our ability to clear out these toxins?
All those heavy metals and pesticides and residue of us no longer living according to the plan (Nature) Please help yourself. Adding in, or on magnesium is not enough . . Do get started with a simple, fast and effective totally safe easy way to detox and rid yourself of all that is not needed within.
Easy, safe and effective
The steps
Go to this site and sign up.
Detox dose is 5 drops x 6 daily. Definitely drink a lot more water. Constantly. Flush it all out.
It says in the label to take 3 x 3 – is the maintenance dose – take the detox for ideally at last 3 months .
I would keep doing this as long as possible. Babies – maybe this but even 1 year olds – you want them better as soon as you can. MUST drink more water.
The plastic bottles are ‘safe’ – I buy them as they do not break
NCD is available in Plastic or Glass Bottles
There is NCD2 which has a stronger concentration of zeolite in a 15mL Glass Bottle with rubber / glass drop dispenser.
This is a little per bottle more expensive than the standard bottle.
The capsules are wonderful if you are enhancing your immune system – cancer or any other chronic diseases. Start with the drops and next time – maybe buy the capsules/drops together – and maybe add in one of your family members – and ’under’ you – so you have both running at once. . . why would you not?