Heart attack prevention/repair

Your body is designed to heal itself. Look at the diagrams on this page.
Just get rid of what is non nutritive – and also remove all that stops you absorbing magnesium and selenium – that would be mercury – and why selenium? Stops you using iodine – as the iodine is needed in all tissues – and selenium is need do not only make the detox/methylation product – Glutathione accelerator is the only one that you can use – taking the actual glutathione in oral format means you may get 1% of it – stomach breaks it down..

Magnesium . . Most essential for life and especially for all heart function.
Garlic – take a lot – I often take 20 daily in small handfuls – as capsules – this will clear out most (biological – not sure about the conversion of red blood cells tor -the rubber artery/vein cloggers that are being manufactured as part of the jab travesty that has happened – but you can try it – I suspect a huge contingent f life preservers (non medical) are needed to assuage this horror). What od I mean? Died Suddenly – that cause of ‘we don;t know; now killing off people of every age – and also now those of us who did not choose to be in the world’s greatest experiment. (ends Nov 2023 apparently).
Vit E – essential for circulatory health

The steps

The only way you can access what I have found to be the foundational start that all who see me need to be on first – to start the process of taking out what is not allowing their body to work as it is supposed to.
Then problems you want to get ‘fixed’ – are more likely to as your body can now work with what you eat to repair itself. Past times – it could not as rubbish stored away that is blocking all life.

The plastic bottles are ‘safe’ PLUS they do not break

The extra capsules are wonderful if you are enhancing your immune system – cancer or any other chronic diseases. Start with the drops and next time – maybe buy the capsules/drops together – and maybe add in one of your family members – and ’under’ you – so you have both running at once. . . why would you not?

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