Problems ‘down there’


Help is at hand – yours

Welcome . .

The usual way of hearing information is not working.
Here I offer a different . . . way of looking at ‘life’.

Hormonal ?
Or imbalanced . .
Get a drink of water, a pen and paper – start playing detective . .

Three circles

Three circles – run by energy . .

Ways of knowing . . .

4 ways – imprinted/embodied

PAIN? Flows not flowing . . .

We are here is a physical body.
Is designed to work

Living in a body . .

Needs to be listened to . .
As the first acupuncturist/naturopath and body worker in Brisbane city.
– and I quickly had to undo – life as a woman without IVF and/or laproscopies – and everyone needed a desperate help – but the time they saw me. Had to think differently to help those who medicine aw=as not able to . .
Go back to nature.

Input is not all there is (food)

The 6 ‘T’s’
TEMPTATION – a big one – not listening to yourself

To work well – bodies need the ingredients to work well.
What about hormones?
They are messengers . . what messages?
Are your 5 flows flowing – or blocked?
(Causing disruption and pain).



Maybe we need to let the body work.
Being tense stops this . .magnesium on your body 20 times daily
(regardless of whether you are taking some orally – or not . .

TRAUMA – stuck

Move yourself – to get the lymph moving and you can feel lighter/freer then . .


Where is the three litres of water – not from the tap ad not less than the body temperature. .and with NO halides (tap water). Why listen? – here are the answers – short cuts – body needs to use what it must to live well.


Ncd – liquid activated zeolites . . detox dose is 5 drops x 6 daily PLUS a lot more water drunk will guarantee that your body starts undoing what has been holding it hostage.

Need to take out what is not supposed to be there – and with the water, also more magnesium and the drops – and negative ion foot spas, foot patches on overnight – foot reflexology and massage. (See courss offered below).

Castor oil

More on castor oil usage here


Using castor oil internally (Insert it also . . .)

This is all too simple – no $$$ i fixing you so you run out the door . .


Calm down . . .
Tension – temperature, torpor (paralysis), trauma, toxins – all has to GET OUT OF THE WAY. .

Energy follows thought and when you focus on what you do to want . .
OR – visualise what you want and make it happen . .

It all worked until???

It all used to work – so why not now?
Are you STUCK in a room where you can’t get out?
Did you know – YOUR

And can’t flow until . .
As STRUCTURE DETERMINES FUNCTION – we can undo the tension that is holding you hostage . .

Onto what???

Much more on pads found here – contains a negative ion strip that heals.
The pad is benign – non toxic.
Unlike all other pads – it stays dry on – see the demos . .
Will not let what it has captured go . .
SAFE? – why MIGHT you have the ‘hormonal’ troubles? Endo?

Why does no one else talk /know about this?
Are we retrieving health/enhancing normal/creating perfect?

Did we forget that we are all different?
We an;t expect a ‘protocol’ to work for all.
Or not at the same time . .

Reminders . .

Body heals itself (when allowed to – may need to take out what is creating the problem FIRST).
(This is a problem if you go/keep hooking into medical – as they are freely saying ‘we don’t know’ and ‘more research is needed‘. NO – actually all that is needed is your body to be able to do its job.
Body heals itself – when it has free access/ability to use to the nutrients needed, and the circulation CAN mobilise and to get rid of what is no longer required.
Energy follow thought – we can create what we want. When we put our minds to it – why stay imprisoned into what someone else tells us – from ?? whose?? authority?
Body remembers everything that has ever happened to it
– Thus all we need to do is set it free . . .
Flows Have To Flow
– When they do – the body CAN heal itself
Structure Determines Function
– What are we doing – choosing to stay STUCK?
As a living, breathing being – we grow and can remodel ourselves.
You may currently have . . .

Maybe you need to look after YOU
First . .
See Selfing

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